View Profile ColdReaver
Glenn Suleiman @ColdReaver

Age 37, Male

College student



Joined on 11/21/04

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ColdReaver's News

Posted by ColdReaver - March 10th, 2009

Been busy with exams and other school issues, so I haven't been up to much. I just recently got back into my projects, most notably the game project I've been working on with fickludd, which is shaping up into something amazing. It'll be a sidescrolling action RPG with an intriguing story. Most of the animations are still being worked on so as soon as that's done and we make some headway into the project, there WILL be screenshots!
Psion Steel is going great aswell, everything(The Planning) is finished, as soon as all voicing is complete, I can finally start the animation, so look forward to screenshots of that aswell.

Also, one last thing to wrap this up. MysticShinHanku has entered a film/video competition, and he's pretty damn close to winning the whole thing, he's in 2nd, but with more votes he'll come out on top, so go help him out! watch his kickass vidand rate him 5

That's it, that's all I gotta say, and thanks for reading all of that. Of course, I cant do a FP post with out alittle art eh?

Yeah I know... Another UPDATE!

Posted by ColdReaver - February 2nd, 2009

Well, well.. I haven't made a FP post in a long while, so here goes.
I've still been working on two other projects and so far still storyboarding and planning for my next main project Psion Steel. This will be a standalone movie that tells the story of my series and the events taking place, but from the perspective of a different main character, in a different city. Since PL3 got alot of mixed reviews, it seems like the main complaint was that most people didn't quite understand the story, so my main focus for this movie is to make it more story-driven, instead of just one event after the other, like my previous episodes. I'm gonna try my absolute best to make it action-packed and everything, and hopefully it wont fall into obscurity and left forgotten after a few days on front page like my previous works.

Oh, and here's some artwork for the main character!

Been Keepin Busy

Posted by ColdReaver - November 18th, 2008

Hey everyone, just dropping by to give another long overdue update on some of the projects.(Yes ,projects, I've been multitasking between the three of them). But before I ramble on ahead about what I'm doing at the moment, I'd Just like to bring this up for a sec. PL3 Is nearly complete, I got a few more scenes to animate so I should be finished by early or late December. Either way, It'll be done somewhere in December so look out for that. I've also made the decision to change up the look of my series starting with episode 4, instead of pencil art, I'm going for a brush tool style, main reasons is because of the mouse.. It takes too damn long to finish a flash animation working with just a mouse( at least for me anyway...), second reason is that I bought my first tablet a few months ago, and I hardly ever used it, and have only just begun using it recently when I was working on some parts for a collab. I got some extra drawing practice in, and I'm confident that I can work with this, so I can finally bid farewell to animating with the mouse.

-On to the projects now-
On top of PL3 I've also been working on a few other things. A couple of months back, I've teamed up with a Friend, and we've been collaborating together to make a action adventure game, with rpg and side-scrolling elements. It's still very early in development, but it's shaping out to be something truly awesome, and with a very in-depth battle/skill system. We haven't really come up with a title for it yet, but we will eventually. When we make some real progress on it, I'll provide screen caps on my next artist post.

I've also been busy working on my parts for the "Prayer by disturbed collab" so If your interested, come check it out,"Prayer" by disturbed Collab
I'm sure there's a couple of spots left open so feel free if you want in.
Well that's pretty much it for now. It'll take a lot of work but I'm confident that I can get this all done.
To wrap this up, I'll leave you all with this screen cap-

-Project Updates-

Posted by ColdReaver - July 15th, 2008

Just stoppin by to give an Update to PL3. Since I haven't updated in what seems to be forever, with college, friends and my job, I haven't had much time for anything else so, my attention has been elsewere, from NG and animating aswell.

Long story short, I'm glad I got through the brunt of work from my last term, and lucky for me this term is pretty slack. I have a few days off campus so I can just chill for once, THANK GOD!
As for Psion Law Ep.3, Everything is running as smooth as silk, Storyboards for this episode and next episode is already complete. Animation-wise it's still is pretty far from completion, but in the few weeks, I've gotten a good chunk of work on it, and it's never looked better!
I've Improved greatly throughout the months and it's looking spectacular so far, visually and in the audio department aswell.
I can't give an exact release date, since I'm all about quality, it'll be finished when I think its finished =)
I've also recently started a project with a friend. It's still early in development so I won't give anything away here, not yet. It's more or less a side project, as my main focus is on this.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the screenshots for now. I'm working real hard so I can get this episode out for everyone to see, so I only ask for you all to be patient alittle while longer.

Peace easy


Posted by ColdReaver - April 14th, 2008

Now that I got most of my work out of the way, I can start my next episode!
It seems like it's been forever since I started anything major, and now that I got all the planning/everything else done, all I gotta do now is animate it.
I've been practicing my animating skills, and it feels like I've achieved a new level of technique. I was so eager to try it out, and now I finally get the chance to do just that.
I'm gonna be working real hard on this(like I do with all my other animations).

This Is going to be my biggest project by far, and a challenging one too, so wish me luck on this.
I'm gonna need it!

I can finally start again

Posted by ColdReaver - February 6th, 2008

Well, it's been a pretty screwed up month so far... I've been bombarded with exams, midterms and the like, so I haven't updated on Psion Law Ep.3 yet. All I can say is that the storyboard/script for it is completed, all I have to do now is scope the VAC for some voice talent and it's ready for animating. Problem is actually having the time to start it XD, but hopefully with my next semester break, I can get some serious work done on it, so expect some screenshots and artwork and stuff!
If you wanna learn more about the characters, I've created Illustrated profiles of them on my DA, so drop by and check em out.

speakin of artwork, I've been practicing my style with the brush tool, and I must say, I've gotten quite good with it =D
I'll be posting up more artwork for other characters, aswell as new characters in my series.
hope everyone is enjoying their winter, It's freezing like a mother%^@!# over here! XD.


Damn, there's just no time XD

Posted by ColdReaver - January 4th, 2008

finally after months of hard work, I've finally completed it, and is now Online =D
so go check it out, and tell me what you think of it =)

Posted by ColdReaver - August 16th, 2007

pheww... well all's goin well for Psion Law 2, I've been thinking for a long time now, what to do for my side project, so i can submit stuff inbetween episodes of PL , and I figured out what im goin to do ^_^ as to what it is, that'll be a secret XD

Current projects, in order of Priority:
Psion Law Ep.2(40% complete)
Side Project-?????(1% complete)

here's a new PL2 screen ^_^ for those who haven't checked out the alpha

Psion Law's Progress

Posted by ColdReaver - July 17th, 2007

hey everyone! my next episode in my series is comin out in early september, so look out for it!
Here's a List of my Current Projects ^_^
in order of priority:
Psion Law Ep.2( 35% complete)
Psion Storm Game( 2% complete)
Big Swords 101( 1% complete )

Psion Law Ep.2