View Profile ColdReaver
Glenn Suleiman @ColdReaver

Age 37, Male

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Posted by ColdReaver - April 20th, 2010

Seriously!! Every fucking time the same damn thing happens whenever I work on a movie. Although
I never expected it to happen this soon. Hell, my new movie's file size aint even that big and it's chugging already, like an old beat up car running it's last mile.
On top of that IT KEEPS CRASHING.
Like HOLY SHIT is the move really that Uber that flash just drops everything and crashes?? I lost a lot of animation progress when flash suddenly stops responding and closes, and it's happened several times. DAMN IT!
Has anyone ever encountered this problem? It's not a question of optimization, I optimize EVERY animation I work on, so that can't be the problem, which leads me to believe that the program it's self is just being un-cooperative.

Fuck it, I'm splitting this into two parts. Only shitty part is that I haven't even began the second portion of this. But whatever, I'll be able to finish the second half easily. Well, for those of you who were waiting for it I guess you'll be able to see this earlier than expected.
I really don't want to do it, but flash is being a real bitch right now and won't stop slowing down/crashing, all the time.

I bet toon boom never gets this problem...Hmmm..



save more often

It crashes at random. Unless I save every 2 seconds( which I have been doing so far) lol

Get update or something.

Doesn't help

Lock the layers you aren't using.

Or make em' invisible.

Try turning all the shape tweens to FBF... shape tweens can cause crashes whilest trying to export.

Hmm.. Good idea, I gotta try that.

This happen me 2 time, is for a morph motion animation, you can deleted the Bug clip or scene

sounds like a true bummer man! i bet u have a pc! muhahaha

A pc? yeah, how else would I be responding to you if I didnt lol

Thats not what she said! YOINK

I see what you did thar..

just summon da dragon ballz and wish for your data back get your super sayaiin cartoons to help you save thedayyyyyyy

More like Super African lol

Get a better PC.

AMD Athlon 620 Quad Core Processor
-640 GB Hard drive space
- NVIDIA GeForce 9100 graphics card

Nope, don't need a better one. This one is powerful enough

Stop complaining about commercial software you didn't pay for...

I DID buy it, cheap off of ebay

Adobe Flash crashes a bunch on me. Macromedia flash doesn't.

I use flash 8 which has always been reliable for me.

When my Flash files get to this stage I usually start thinking about splitting the file across multiple FLA's - It helps if theres a logical break in the action to make this split.

Only when I've finished do I reassemble all the parts into a single FLA for export - Flash gets to a point where it's just way to slow to work in properly.

I've found that the problem is compounded the more complex the symbol hierarchy ie: symbols withing symbols within symbols within symbols etc

THAT... makes a hell of alot of sense. I definitely gotta try that for my other projects. If it worked out for you then It'll most likely work out for me.

Thanks man, you gave the best solution here!

YOU hate flash?
Ive got an FLA here thats 234meg n takes more memory to EXPORT THE SWF than my computer physically has. I finished just in time to find out I cant publish it!

also Im lollin at that dragonball z comment

Well I don't really HATE it, just really frustrated.
Damn man 234 megs and you can still export it? you gotta tell me your secret!

no, I cant export it; that's the problem :(

Damn.. And I thought I had it bad..

well, toonboom animate pro 2 just came out this week, and it looks pretty freaking sweet.
if you have the cash, ask chluaid, and he'll get you an $800 discount or something crazy.
..I think he's still able too.

Im curious, what version of Flash are you using?

Shit dude, that sucks. That used to happen to me too when I first started out. Upgrading to CS4 and getting a kick ass laptop solved my problems. :D

Your specs seem fine though. Hope you're using CS4.

Anyway, good luck with that man. Hope it works out for ya.

Ive never made a real flash animation yet, I decided a while ago to make one, came across a few complications, it crashed and now ive just been off trying... I guess I'm just too easily discouraged... but it crashing sucks pretty damn hard!

I'm a compulsive saver, but I don't get regular crashes with flash and I embed lots of symbols and have lots of complex hierarchies.

Your problem might have something to do with the length of the main timeline. (I make games so I never have a very complex timeline.) Have you tried using scenes? This is a bit of a wild guess, but I'm thinking an overloaded timeline might cause lag by having a lot cued up in memory and breaking the movie apart with scenes would make a long timeline shorter (and easier to manage too :P).

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