View Profile ColdReaver
Glenn Suleiman @ColdReaver

Age 37, Male

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Joined on 11/21/04

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Posted by ColdReaver - August 4th, 2009

I was gaming with some friends on Gears of war 2 multiplayer when all of a sudden the whole damn tv shut off including my 360, when I got up and looked at it, there it was, the three red rings flashing like crazy. My god.. I was freaked out, I thought my 360 was dead so I quickly shut it off. Came back to it 3 hours later to see if it still worked and it's running just fine.. phew.. I don't know why It did that but I guess it doesn't matter now that it's working as usual.

Anyway, Finally glad I'll be working on my main projects next week. Been busy with other priorities, including midterms and exams, I haven't been very productive at all flash wise, but now that I got that crap done and out of the way, I can start working on these gems.
Still working with everyone on the disturbed collab, I've been working hard on getting that done and out of the way. After that, Psion steel will be picked back up on, (and it won't take me long to finish it I promise). Also, In my previous post I also mentioned the game project me and a friend were working on, I've uploaded some artwork and a screenshot in my art portal, so If your curious, go check it out!
I don't have much else to say besides that. I'll do my best to finish my projects and get them out to you guys to see. Here's a screenshot from my collab part, hope that you all enjoy it.




yea i just had three yesterday. i looked it up on google. turns out it means "Internal hardware failure" i haven't had the problem since, but for some reason i have issues powering on my xbox if i have any of the charge packs plugged in while its off or if a game froze because the disc was scratched...

dude it will die in week or so. i had the same thing when i got them red rings. i left it as it is for a day and when i came back it was fine, but like after a few days it died compleatly so yeah. start savin up money for them repairs buddy...

That sucks. Fortunately, I havent had my 360 that long so it's warranty is still good, If it by chance does die completely, I can go get another one.

Dont listen to the above guy, rofl, same thing happened to me, power went out in my whole room, and the red rings came on, once the power came back on, it fixed itself, and has been working ever since.

Screenshot looks pretty ballin too

Thanks man, and I hope so. My 360 aint even a year old yet!

I agree with Paperbat. When the power went here and I got the red rings of death, I simply turned it back on once the power came back and it's been working fine ever since. (Been about a year.)

Thanks. It surprised the hell out of me so I thought I should get second opinions. Glad to see that it's nothing to worry about!

ps3 ftw

I got that too =)

Yeah don't worry about it just happens randomly hopefully Microsoft can get their technology together and make it so we never have to see those rings again!

Damn straight! Their consoles have great games but their not built properly if their going to fuck up so early

It's only certain three rings that mean internal hardware failure, though they can sometimes show up if it overheats at all.

Not necessarily from playing too much, but if you have it close to a wall or other thing that could potentially block the air from being blown away from the console by the fan, then that could be the problem. I had it once, has been working fine since I left it for a while though.

The red rings are in place to tell you it's overheating, the reason it shuts off is to prevent any damage.

Still PS3 FTW :)


I have the Red Rings now and my 360 occasionally will work. I looked it up and Microsoft rushed to ship out the 360 before the PS3 did so they kinda fucked up on the heatsinks and that is what causing the problems. You can find tutorials to fix it yourself, but it seems like its a lot of work. Honestly, it may never bother you again, or it may become more frequent, but if it's still under warranty I would recommend sending it in to be fixed, otherwise you may want to look around for a place that will fix it. The cost is usually between 50 and 75 dollars. A short term solution when it goes all red ringy is to wrap up your Xbox in towels or a blanket, fully so that all vents are covered, and let it overheat. It takes about 20 minutes to a half an hour, but when you turn your console off and then back on it should work fine...I've been doing that for a week now and it seems to work. Only problem is, abuse of that short term solution can cause parts to fry after a while so I would really recommend finding out about that warranty or getting it fixed ASAP.

Oh, and 360's built 2008 and later are supposed to be free of that problem, so if you buy another Xbox, make sure it was built in 2008 or afterwards.

It happend for me today :S but now it works again :D

Something like that happened to me like a year ago... i just turned it on, saw 3 red rings, freaked out, then my friend turned it off and on, and it was working fine...
Haven't had a single technical problem since that...

The Red Rings of Death are common at my house....a shame...

The screenshots look great good. I can't wait to see the Disturbed Collab finished. Your finished parts already look amazing so I can't wait to see this one. You game looks great too, though you already know my feelings on that.

Good luck getting everything done!

Thanks man! The collab will be awesome, no doubt about that!

I've had my 360 RRoD twice now. The second time I sort-of fixed it for a while, but eventually had to send it in.

If it happens again, try unplugging everything from the system except for the power cord, take out the game, cover the system in blankets, and turn it on for about 20 minutes. What it does is overheats the system, but in the process will melt a thing that may have come loose. Once melted, it'll re-solidify and become functional again. What that "thing" is that actually melts, I don't know. But I do know it worked for me for a while.

yeah, thanks for your input man, I'm gonna hang on to that warranty real close. Although I'm beginning to think that the rings might have been false, they were there clearly, but at the same time there was a brief power outage at the time that it happened (coincidence?) After the power was back, my 360 was fine again, so I'm gonna assume it was just that.

Yeah.....360 scares me... I've watched my boy go through 4 red rings, he'll be on his fifth Xbox in a sec. I'm not touching that, I'm about to go with PS3.

Yeah, I got both PS3 and 360. They both got kickass games. I knew about the red rings happening to Xbox gamers, but I never thought it would happen to me, My 360's not even a year old yet.
I'm guessing It might have been a fluke, the power went out and that's when it happened. When the power came back I checked back up on it later and it was running as good as it usually did.

For sure though, You never see that shit with PS3, and I had my PS3 alot longer than my 360

you know the secret to fising it is to
#1 wrap ur xbox 360 in multiple towels.
#2 turn the xbox on and let it over heat.
#3 come back in 20 minutes.
#4 turn it on if red-ring-o-death are still, repeat agin


My 3rd 360 died about a month ago from E 74.

This is why the 360 is inferior to the PS3.

It's a hell of alot more reliable than the 360 that's for sure.

that happens when there is a blackout

Yeah, that's what I'm guessing. The power went out at my area briefly, my tv and 360 shut off and the red rings showed up.
That's why I'm assuming that it was a fluke

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